The Orbán Foundation is a regional organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for children with multiple disabilities in need or abandoned by their parents.
Infants with the highest risk are the ones born before the 36th week and bellow 2500 gr. They need special attention and development. According to World Health Organization the preterm babies may face a lifetime of disability, including learning disabilities, visual and hearing problems.

They need more attention in the very first year to ensure that their development is not delayed. Doctors will usually direct them for early intervention programs. After the full diagnosis we offer physiotherapy and special education. Besides the therapies the parents receive useful advices to deal with their current difficulties and to prevent the possible ones that may occur in the future. In the case of premature birth, a detailed consultation is indicated even if no signs of delay are visible.
Contact us
tel: 00 40 744 248 589
fax: 00 40 266 212 300

Odorheiu Secuiesc 535600
str. Morii nr. 8